Monday, August 30, 2010

Gypsy's Edge

A video game concept for a mind sharping board game that involves answering questions from rock formations on the side of dangerous cliffs. Answer it correctly and move on till you reach your totem of zen. Answer it wrong and your stable path will give way beneath your feet. Questions get progressively harder as the game moves on. Live on the edge in Antarctica, Hawaii, Big Sur, Everest, and many more.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

For the past few days I've been working on a CD cover for a local hip hop artist. The CD is called "Organic Hip-Hip". I started by sitting down with the artist and brainstorming some ideas
of where he wanted to take the album cover. I then did some thumbnails sketches and got Internet reference on the subject. A photo shoot was scheduled to take a picture of his hand holding the mic. There's nothing better than taking your own photo's not only for copyright purposes, but you also get exactly what your looking for. This is the first pass at this cover. I hope he likes it.