I've been working on quite a few logos these days. People always think because most of the logos they see are so simple that they take no time to create. Well, the old saying "less is more" is actually true in logo making. In fact logos take quite a bit of time to design because a lot goes into them the naked eye does not see.
A logo has to be easily readable from far distances, whether your driving 70 MPH past a Mercedes Benz emblem or it's a scaled down version on the back of a business card. They have to be simple in order for people to associate and recognize the brand in split second intervals.
This logo I created is for DJ Donovan. He is coming out with his own clothing line and I was asked to design his logo which is called Donovan Patrick (DP).
I first start out by sketching rough thumbnails by hand then take them into photoshop to refine my ideas. After showing them to the client we make a decision to move forward on one of them. I create the final image in Illustrator where I can give the client variations of the logo such as color and line weight.
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